What the IAAA Has Accomplished in Ten short Years?
The International Automotive Appraisers Association (-I-A-A-A-) was incorporated in 1994. It has unified appraisers, provided recognition for them and became a media by which members could communicate. The IAAA code of ethics gives members a standard by which they can follow sound business practices. The IAAA has provided opportunities for appraisers to test their skills through its Master Appraiser Program. The Apprentice program has been an acceptable means of training and recognized by the State of California’s Compensation retraining program. The association has expanded on these main functions with the additions of the AA.N, the www.autoappraisers.com website, the Classic Car News, regional member meetings, online training, displays at National events and the Grand Daddy of them all, The All Auto Appraisal Industry Conference. The IAAA has accomplished all of this in ten short years. On the behalf of all the IAAA members, past present and future, I thank you for support, cooperation and most of all patience. When asked I say, I am a co-founder, yes, I did take the initiative to incorporate, run ads and seek others that believed in the same cause and joined, The IAAA would not existwithout you.
Sincerely Yours:
Tony Monopoli
Auto Appraiser News 4th Quarter 2004